The color Red,

Stands out from others,

Brings life to its surroundings,

For it lifts the spirit.


Calms down.

(Jakarta, 2019)

Fotografi, Macro / Close-Up, Still Life

Red … White Frame


CItiscape Fujifilm HDR

This photo was shot during an early dinner at a mall facing the office building block across. It was lucky that I got a window side table so I can take some shots, about 150 frames actually. Starting from when it was still bright upto blue hour and darkness took over.

Photo was shot at base ISO of 200 on my Fujifilm Xt1 camera, 3 brackets – with a stop difference each. Since it is slow exposure the dining table was used as base for stability, and some covers provided to eliminate reflections at the window glass.

(The technical part will be written in Indonesian language)

My other HDR photos ..

HDR Dengan Kamera Fujifilm XT1

Ini adalah citiscape HDR pertama yang saya buat dengan kamera Fujifilm XT1, menggunakan lensa Fujinon 10-24mm. Kelemahan kamera ini untuk HDR adalah cuma bisa melakukan bracketing exposure maksimum 3 frame dengan rentang 1 stop, tidak bisa lebih baik jumlah frame atau selisih stopnya. Tahapan yang dilakukan sama seperti membuat HDR lainnya:

  • Memotret dengan menggunakan file RAW, dalam hal ini ekstensi RAF.
  • Atur kamera ke fungsi exposure bracketing dengan selisih satu exposure.
  • Stabilisasi kamera dengan meja, dan atur komposisi. Pastikan horizon lurus pada live view.
  • Cari titik fokus (setting pada tombol AF-L adalah untuk lock setelah focus diperoleh jadi tidak berubah lagi)
  • Cari eksposure yang tepat, karena ISO dan aperture fix maka kecepatan yang dicocokkan.
  • Gunakan timer untuk mengurangi getaran berhubung tidak pakai shutter release. Saya setel pada 2 detik.
  • Usahakan tidak ada getaran lain selama proses memotret.
  • Buka file pada Lightroom dan pilih ketiga exposure yang ada, ekspor ke Photomatix untuk pengolahan HDR.
  • Pada Photomatix pilih preset yang sesuai dan disesuaikan detailnya dengan selera kita. Saya gunakan salah satu preset Fusion yang ada, karena kelihatan sangat natural untuk foto ini.
  • Hasil Photomatix dikembalikan ke Lightroom dan diberikan sentuhan akhir sebelum diekspor langsung ke Flickr.

Demikian sharing saya membuat foto HDR ini dengan Fujifilm, Photomatix dan Lightroom.


Blue Hour Citiscape


The days pass,
And another new bloom,
Of the orchid comes in full,
Bringing yet another joy,
To the garden at home.

Take care of the nourishment needs,
Every day give adequate moisture,
Enough sunlight,
And a lot of love.
The flower will always be there,
And the leaves healthy,
As love provides all.
[Jakarta 2014]

Flowers, Macro / Close-Up

Orchid And Leaves



Simple flowers from the street,
Colors very eye catching,
Makes you stop and stare,
Enjoying the beauty of it.
[Jakarta 2014]


Retro Look: Two Flowers


Welding Worksgop Fujifilm

Working with steel and welding machines,

Creating new structures for better buildings,

Man worked hard in his old workshop,

The art of arc welding mastered by experience,

Nothing can stop the will of a person,

But himself.

[Tangerang 2014]

Street Photography

Old Workshop Hardworking Man


Pasar Lama Tangerang

Old buildings always have a history,

Who, what, how is for us to find out,

That is why some of them are worth to keep,

So that history is preserved.

Only passionate people will take care!

[Tangerang 2014]

Street Photography

Under Renovation
