Another day nearly passed,

As the Sun begans to set.

No it does not end there,

As time moves on forward.

(Bogor, 2020)

Fotografi, Landscape, Nature

When The Sun Sets In Bogor


The past is eternalized,
As we went through the gate,
With it’s structure of stone,
Prepared by people of the kingdom.
Now we celebrate,
Building infrastructures for,
And by the people,
Of the country.

But without the past,
We will not be at the present,
People with hope and spirit,
Build the future through learning.
[Ratu Boko 2013]



The Gate


Sunset Parangtritis

The sun goes up and down,

Each and everyday,

It is running on own timetable,

Fix and sure it is.

If you cannot see it,

Than look beyond the clouds,

Sure you will find it there.

[Jogja 2013]


When The Sun Hides


Bromo At Dusk

Things could not always be seen,

But still they are there,

Their existence based on knowledge,

That it is there eventhough not seen.

Not everything could be captured by us,

But we still believe it exists.

Believe. Trust.

Live is beautiful.

[Bromo 2013]


Bromo After The Sun Sets



When I see the sunken boat for the first time it was still noon, and tide was low so most of the boat could be seen. Luckyly the boat was in the direction of the sunset. But by sunset the tide has risen so about half of the boat was under water.

Actually it was not a full sunset with a round sun seen, because the sky is covered with clouds since noon. This is more a magenta sky due to sunset.


Sunken Boat At Sunset


Sunset Agam - Iksa Menajang

To see

Beautiful sunsets

Are a gift for

Those who lived

In places with

Good environment

Or happened

To be there at the

Right time and right place.

Yes natural landscapes

Is combination of all that

But remember,  the more you go out

The bigger your chances to see all that.

[Agam, 2013]

* Just a normal sunset photo not HDR or processed as HDR.

See other sunsets:



A Panoramic Sunset At Ampek Angkek
