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Te Deum Laudamus

Jakarta, 31 December 2022

Fotografi, Portrait

Te Deum Laudamus

Menyongsong tahun baru 2023, kami serahkan semua padaNya.


A smile from the heart,

Smile that touches your soul,

Betlehem is her hometown,

Palestine is her country.

(Betlehem, 2019)

Fotografi, Portrait, Street Photography

Smiling Palestinian Girl


# Stranger 001

A civil service police assigned at Jakarta Old City. 




A bright future lies ahead. 

(Batavia, 2016)

Starting again the series of strangers portrait taken on street or other public places. Sharpening the saw. 

Fotografi, Portrait, Street Photography

Yudho Prasetyo 


Days of hardwork,

Will be displayed in a short time,

All must be perfect,

According to the creator’s standard,

Anything less is not acceptable. 

Creation is not hardwork,

It is giving the best,

From the heart. 

(Bogor, 2016)

Fotografi, Portrait

Almost Done


An ordinary street food seller,

Left his stall lying with no one knowing,

Asked his news everytime passing,

The deserted space he left. 

Years passed without news,

Wondering if he passed away,

And no one knew. 


He is well, smiling as usual,

In his stall which is as nothing happened. 

Glad, to see you again sir!

(Bogor, 2016)

Portrait, Street Photography

Lost And Found Again


Father and Son,

Bound with a bond,

Stronger than people can imagine. 

Still it must be nurtured,

With love and action,

So that it will grow and

Make impossible things happen. 

(Bogor, 2015)

Black & White, Portrait, Snapshot, Street Photography

Father And Son
