Siap arungi dunia

Tahun terus berganti

Bulan pun berganti

Minggu minggu berlalu

Hari hari usai dilewati

Waktu berkelebat

Hidup harus berisi

Kehidupan penuh makna

Memberi menggenapi mencapai

Tak berhenti

(Tahun 2023 penuh makna)


Tahun 2023 Dimulai

Tahun baru semangat baru


Menyampaikan harapan akan penyertaanMu sepanjang waktu.

Te Deum Laudamus

Jakarta, 31 December 2022

Fotografi, Portrait

Te Deum Laudamus

Menyongsong tahun baru 2023, kami serahkan semua padaNya.


Foundry Wall

Happiness is not black & white,
It really is something colorful,
So many things could represent it,
So many causes happiness,
It is not a one way lane,
It is not a single door as well,
More it is an abstract,
As it is not to be calculated,
Eventhough it is anticipated,
And many expected happiness.

Happiness lies within yourself,
You alone can answer the question,
You have to solve your own,
Than the quest for happiness is over.

Merry Christmas to all of you,
Peace be with you.

[Solo, 2014]


On Happiness


Waking early in the morning,
So you can have a nice weather,
Calm waters and nice wind,
Cloudy blue sky,
And a nice sun ray of the morning.
It is so nice to be in a boat,
At a beautiful lake,
Among fine people.
[Rawa Pening 2014]


Morning At The Lake


FIsherman Throw

Nothing is perfectly done at the beginning,

As people learn by doing,

The more practice and discipline,

The better the result will be.

This applies to all we do ..

[Rawa Pening 2014]


Practicing The Throw


The sun is brightly shining,
A new day has just begun,
A fresh start for all.
Be the best you can,
As time will not come back,
The past is gone.
Cast a net to catch the sun,
At least you will get some fish.
[Rawa Pening 2014]


Catching The Sun
