Fisherman - Iksa Menajang

The sea was part of his life

The rocks and waves are his friend

Walking the shores

Close to the edge

Where the rock, the reef and the ocean meet

Challenged by streams of waves

There he cast his net

To feed a family far away at home

Far from the shack that only served

As permanent temporary shelter

What a life, a tough life

[Adventures In Paradise 2011]


Portrait Of A Man, A Fisherman


CIFOR Pinus - Iksa Menajang

I start imagining

Walking in a misty morning

In the pine woods at the hills

Coldness still surrounding

Fog makes the scene even more magical

But the most interesting part

Is the scent of the pine

Light and sweet

Reminding us to be balanced

[Looking For Light In Bogor, 2011]

Pinus merkusii is Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List

Street Photography

The Name Is Pinus Merkusii


Senggigi Lombok - Iksa Menajang

Home beside the sea

Live beside the sea

Fun by the sea

An easily said concept

Might not be easily done

Fun to look at

Might be tough to experience

Still we owe a lot to the sea

… Home by the sea .. humming dreaming …

[Lombok Adventures, 2013]


Triumvirat – Life Beside The Sea


Bromo Savanna - Iksa menajang

Again and again

Staring at the majestic rising sun

Always give a big relieve

A pleasant feeling to the heart

The more it will be

When you are standing

In the savanna

Amongst grass, weeds, fennel

Horses wandering

People passing by

Am I just dreaming

For all of this beauty is so near

[Bromo Adventures 2013]


This is another HDR photograph processed with Contrast Optimizer Tone Mapping of Photomatix Pro, finishing was done at Photoshop CC. The photo itself is from 9 frames with 1 stop differences. Taken on a tripod, triggered with a wireless remote. In the last two frames taken there is a person riding a horse passing, but it was taken out by Photomatix Pro automatically with very low deghosting setting.


Fennel, Weeds, Grass, Blue Sky And The Sun


Senggigi Lombok - Iksa Menajang

Me, my shadow and my camera

We travel to places

At home, nearby, islands, other countries

Walk through cities

Streets, buildings, markets, parks

Strolling along nature

Trees, fields, mountains, rocks

Meeting people

Eating, working, playing, sleeping, worshipping

[Lombok Adventures 2013]

This is to mark the 400th post on this blog.

My first post in this blog dated September 03, 2009; is still related with the other blog, about food, riding and daily life. After being on and off sometimes, then focus is more clear that this will be a blog of my passion in photography. Another focus is to record the learnings formulated to share with others that is why it is written mostly in Indonesian language, eventhough it is supposed to be recorded and re-written on the pages. Maybe later on the way things will develop further, we just have to wait for it.

Thank you for all  who had stayed from the beginning, and to all that joined along the way. Thank you WordPress for making a simple platform for sharing things in this virtual world. We still have a long way to go, hang on ….

Black & White

The Cameo .. #400 Post Of The Blog

Detail Enhancer

Detail Enhancer

Bulan ini telah resmi keluar upgrade Photomatix Pro 5.0 yang versi beta-nya telah diuji coba beberapa lama – tapi saya tidak terlalu suka dengan versi beta ataupun release candidate, jadi belum mencoba. Salah satu tambahan baru yang menarik adalah Contrast Optimizer Tone Mapping yang klaimnya ditujukan untuk mendapatkan hasil olahan HDR yang realistik. Juga ada beberapa tambahan baru dalam upgrade ini.

Ini kutipan berita releasenya : “20-Nov-13: Photomatix Pro 5.0 released: Adds Contrast Optimizer Tone Mapping for realistic-looking results, new Fusion method for real estate photography, multiple settings batching, and option to enable fusion from a single RAW file.”


Berikut ini beberapa hasil olahan menggunakan Photomatix Pro 5.0, baik yang menggunakan proses Detail Enhancer ataupun Contrast Optimizer. Semuanya diolah dari 9 file RAW dengan jarak masing-masing 1 stop (normal +/- 4stop). Kondisi pencahayaan matahari sangat terang benderang dengan sedikit awan, di tepi pantai.  Pengambilan foto menggunakan tripod dan bracketing dilakukan menggunakan self-timer 10 detik dengan jumlah 9 shot sekaligus sesuai dengan bracket. Lensa yang digunakan tanpa filter.

Dari hasil olahan sederhana di bawah dengan Contrast Optimizer memang nampak bahwa hasil yang diperoleh nampak realistis, namun memang pilihan pengolahan belum sedetail tone mapping lainnya. Contoh lain bisa dilihat pada foto di Flickr ini, yang nanti akan saya postingkan setelah membenahi beberapa ghosting yang terlewat.

Sebagai pembanding, pada foto pertama (di atas) menggunakan proses Detail Enhancer Tone Mapping yang biasa saya gunakan, sudah cukup realistis kelihatannya, apalagi dalam keadaan ekstrim dimana lensa berhadapan langsung dengan matahari. Sementara bisa di bandingkan dengan foto di Flickr yang kondisinya lebih ekstrim karena dari dalam ruangan ke arah luar dan menghadap matahari.


Untuk foto yang ada orangnya terlihat bahwa fungsi deghosting berjalan dengan baik. Kalau melihat file masing-masing akan terlihat nyata pergerakan orang-orang tersebut, tetapi pada hasil akhir hanya keluar dari satu frame saja.

Saat ini pemilihan Automatic Ghost Removal sudah canggih, ada slider yang mengindikasikan seberapa kuat proses otomatis dilakukan. Dan bila untuk menghilangkan ghost kita perlu menggeser sangat ke kanan maka sangat disarankan untuk melakukan manual ghost removal. Menghilangkan secara manual tetap dilakukan dengan memilih daerah yang akan digunakan sebagai referensi, setelah itu kita memilih akan menggunakan frame mana sebagai referensi menghilangkan ghost. Proses berlangsung cepat dan lancar.

Untuk melihat tulisan lain di blog ini berkaitan HDR silahkan klik tautan ini atau buka pada halaman-halaman ini.

Contrast Optimizer

Contrast Optimizer

Contrast Optimizer

Contrast Optimizer

Belajar Fotografi, HDR

Photomatix Pro 5.0 – Contrast Optimizer HDR

Post in Indonesian language. In summary this is only to show the application of the new Balance Optimizer Tone Mapping of Photomatix in its latest update, the 5.0 version. The result from the two photos on the bottom shows it is easier to create a realistic looking HDR, as a comparison is the top photo – processed with Detail Enhancer Tone Mapping. All photos in the same area and lighting condition about the same. One photo is not finished yet and is referenced in the Flickr link at the article.
