Ulun Danu Temple

Sunrise at the temple,

Celebration of a new day,

Prayers are chanted,

Thankfulness sent to heaven,

Hopes are brought forward.

Sunrise brings warmth for the day,

Taking turn with the nights coldness,

At the Bedugul Lake.

So do life …

[Lake Bedugul, 2013]


Pura Ulun Danu – At Sunrise


Ulun Danu Temple At Dawn

Early morning at the twilight zone,

Dawn is the time to enjoy,

Beatiful lights of the nature,

Such as the beauty high in the Bedugul lake,

Where Ulun Danu Temple was.

[Bedugul, 2013]


Pura Ulun Danu – Before The Sunrise


Bali Ubud - Iksa Menajang

As the boy grows

The times he will remember

Is the joys of life

A time shared with his father

Playing in the field

Releasing kites that will fly high

As he will fly away too

[Bali Adventures 2013, Ubud Kaja]

Street Photography

A Game Of Kite: Father And Son


Bali Celebration - Iksa Menajang



A time to held prayers

A time for rejoice

A time to remember


Is for the people

And the whole world

[Bali Adventures 2013 – Petulu]

Street Photography

Preparing For The Feast


Jatiluwih Sunrise - Iksa Menajang

Early in the morning

The paddy fields glowing

As the sun ray hits them

Yellow as gold

Sign that harvest is near

All the hardwork to be paid off

[Jatiluwih World Heritage 2013]


Note for those who love to see landscapes, the two mountain seen near the sun (Mount Batur and Mount Agung) is only seen from this side until around 10 am; afterthat they are not able to be seen anymore. Funny but true.


Foto HDR ini diolah dari 5 frame dengan base pada ISO 100, f/22, 1/8.

Pengolahan menggunakan Photomatrix Pro dengan pilihan proses Contrast Optimizer Tone Mapping. Belajar dari RC Concepcion di Kelby Training, maka pada slider strength digeser ke 100, untuk tone compression di geser ke kanan sampai diperoleh tonal yang menarik. Sedangkan slider lain hanya untuk memperkuat hasil saja. Selanjutnya pengolahan menggunakan Photoshop.

HDR, Landscape

Sunrise At The World Heritage Rice Fields



Kebersamaan dalam ikatan

Kekuatan dalam tradisi

Kedamaian dalam kepatuhan

Keteguhan dalam keramaian

Hidup adalah pilihan

[Ubud 2013]

Belajar Fotografi, Street Photography

Melangkah Bersama Mempertahankan Kekuatan Tradisi
