This time I had the chance to try the Fujifilm XT-1 with it’s kit lens the 18-135 WR.

These are straight out of the camera results, shot using the remote application paired to my iPhone 5. I have not checked the result in a computer, since at the time being we are still waiting for our ferry to come.

Yes I am testing the camera in Tidung Island, about 90 minutes by ferry from Jakarta Ancol Marina.



Review, Snapshot, Street Photography

First Impression With Fujifilm XT-1 + 18-135 WR


Impresi Pertama Kamera Fujifilm X-Pro 1 Dan Lensa Fujinon XF 27mm/2.8 Pancake

Fujifilm X-Pro

Setelah berkesempatan mencoba produk-produk terbaru Fujifilm di pameran Focus yang baru berakhir. Kemarin mendapat pinjaman dari seorang teman berupa kamera Fujifilm X-Pro 1 dengan lensa pancake Fujinon XF 27mm/2.8 nan mungil.

Fujinon XF 27mm/2.8

Lensa ini sesuai tipenya, merupakan seri pancake yang sangat mungil dan ringan, cocok untuk street photography ataupundibawa  travel. Apalagi dengan panjang fokal 27mm yang setara 40mm pada kamera full-frame, yang merupakan bidang pandang mata normal. Jadi foto yang kita ambil merepresentasikan apa yang dilihat mata kita sendiri. Dari sisi harga juga merupakan yang paling murah pada seri lensa Fujinon XF saat ini.

Fujifilm X-Pro 1 Fujifilm X-Pro 1 Fujifilm X-Pro 1

Nah jarak fokus minimal lensa ini adalah 60cm saat normal, dan 34cm pada saat pengaturan makro digunakan. Berbeda dengan saat menggunakan DSLR yang umumnya sudah cukup panjang jarak antara sensor dengan ujung lensa, pada kamera dan lensa ini jaraknya hanya dekat sekali sehingga untuk mencapai jarak fokus minimal seolah masih cukup jauh dari kita. Ini menimbulkan kegalauan saat pertama menggunakan, karena harus mundur agak jauh untuk mengunci fokus.

Shot pertama, masih belum bisa fokus

Shot pertama, masih belum bisa fokus

Kecepatan dan kenyamanan autofokus pasti kalah dari seri bukan pancake, apalagi dari Fujinon XF 23mm/1.4 lensa yang pernah saya coba sebelumnya di kamera Fujifilm X-E2. Maklum saja lensa itu harganya lebih dua kali lipat lensa pancake ini. Pastilah ketajaman dan hasilnya berbeda, namun karena tidak pernah dicoba secara bersamaan maka saya tidak bisa berkomentar banyak soal ini. 

Fujifilm X-Pro 1 Fujifilm X-Pro 1 Fujifilm X-Pro 1 Fujifilm X-Pro 1 Fujifilm X-Pro 1

Fujifilm X-Pro 1

Ini kamera serius pertama Fujifilm yang dikeluarkan tahun 2012 lalu, sudah banyak review bisa dilihat. Nah terus terang pada saat produk ini dikeluarkan keberatan orang-orang adalah harganya yang sangat tinggi, meskipun banyak kamera bagus dikeluarkan Fujifilm sebelumnya. Namun memang ini kamera range finder berkualitas, nampak dari body berbahan aluminium alloy yang nampak solid dan kokoh. Kamera ini memiliki jendela bidik optik yang sangat jernih, serta lengkap dengan berbagai informasi yang dibutuhkan untuk memotret dengan baik.

Fujifilm X-Pro 1

Nah masalah pertama yang dihadapi dengan sistem baru adalah pengaturan kamera. Maklum setelah sekian lama SLR maupun DSLR  yang digunakan berbeda sistem dan navigasinya. Tapi ini hanya masalah kebiasaan saja dan dapat diatasi dengan cepat kalau memang sering digunakan. Jendela bidik optikal sistem range finder ini bisa memberi kejutan bagi yang tidak biasa, karena tidak seluruh yang dilihat akan terekam, tetapi hanya bagian yang digariskotak saja. Pengaturan manual melalui tombol putar kecepatan di atas dan pengaturan diafragma di bawahnya memberi kesan yang menarik dan kemudahan dalam operasional kamera ini.

Fujifilm X-Pro 1 Fujifilm X-Pro 1 Fujifilm X-Pro 1

Pada saat awal saya gunakan kamera ini langsung pada keunggulan sistem Fujifilm, pemotretan pada keadaan low-light dengan ISO tinggi. Dalam hal ini saya gunakan ISO 1600 pada dua lokasi rumah makan dan ISO 6400 di halaman rumah. Hasil yang diperoleh sangat baik dan cukup memadai.

Ini situasi dalam restoran kecil berpenerangan normal, menggunakan ISO 1600 bukaan diafragma f 2.8 dan kecepatan otomatis (aperture priority). Memuaskan juga untuk food photography secara langsung tanpa penerangan tambahan.

Fujifilm X-Pro 1 Fujifilm X-Pro 1 Fujifilm X-Pro 1 Fujifilm X-Pro 1

Dibawah ini hasil menggunakan ISO 6400 dengan bukaan diafragma f 2.8 dan kecepatan otomatis (aperture priority). Pengolahan semua foto hanya di Lightroom; mengatur white balance, exposure sekadarnya dan sedikit sharpening dan noise reduction normal saja.

Fujifilm X-Pro 1 Fujifilm X-Pro 1 Fujifilm X-Pro 1 Fujifilm X-Pro 1

Kemampuan menangkap detail Fujifilm sudah kita kenal sejak dulu, ini saya coba pada bunga berwarna putih. Masih pada ISO 1600 f.28 saat sore hari dalam tempat teduh kena bayangan.

Fujifilm X-Pro 1 Fujifilm X-Pro 1 Fujifilm X-Pro 1 Fujifilm X-Pro 1

Satu masalah yang kurang adalah baterai yang kecil dan relatif cukup cepat habis, bagi yang berminat dengan kamera ini dan ditujukan penggunaan terus menerus seharian sebaiknya menambah jumlah baterai yang dimiliki. Apalagi kalau sering menggunakan live view dan melihat LCD.

Fujifilm X-Pro 1 Fujifilm X-Pro 1 Fujifilm X-Pro 1 Fujifilm X-Pro 1


  • Pasangan kamera dan lensa yang dicoba cukup menarik untuk penggunaan sehari-hari, street photography dan travel photography karena ringan, kuat dan cukup menggunakan tas kecil saja sudah cukup untuk kamera, ekstra baterai, kartu memory dan lainnya.
  • Bisa digunakan untuk mempelajari sistem Fujifilm bagi yang berminat untuk berganti sistem atau memiliki sistem kamera mirrorless yang ringan dan handal.

Bagi saya sendiri ini merupakan kesempatan untuk mempelajari lebih baik sistem Fujifilm dan mulai membandingkan dengan sistem lain untuk mendapatkan alternatif yang ringan dari sisi bobot, memberi hasil baik, dan tidak memberatkan kantong. Nanti setelah lebih lama dan fasih menggunakan akan saya lanjutkan laporannya.

Fujifilm X-Pro 1 Fujifilm X-Pro 1 Fujifilm X-Pro 1

Lihat juga:


My Reflections: The Year 2013 In This Blog

The year of 2013 is going to pass soon. The clock is ticking, and as this post is in writing it is less than 45 hours away from entering 2014 in my timezone. It is time to see what has been done this year.

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2012 was closed with a posting of The Borobudur Temple (Edge Of 2012), and this year end we still have another posting from Borobudur near the end of the year. But posting in the blog did not begin until mid of February, and it started with this post of Railway Station In Cirebon dated 11-02-2013, a sunset photo. Then posts start flowing again on and off, during the time. Until 21 August 2013 when the blog achieved 300 posting since the first post in 03 September 2009, a long 4 years off posting as and when possible. But as of today already achieved 432 posts in the blog, meaning that the last few months has been quite productive. [Note: this blog contributes more than 430 posts from the agregate 1000+ posts accumulated from all of my blogs active and inactive ones, see the agregator here >> Makan Lagi .. all free blogs from wordpress except for one]

On language, up to October my posts in the blog was in Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language), but started with this Sunrise photo on 17 October 2013 I started posting in English, mixing both language at times. I only posted in Indonesian for sharing photography techniques and details, since I am sure there has been an abundance of writing in English on photography. This is another learning for me, as I live in a non English speaking community, and not working in an English speaking community as well.

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This year of 2013 also marked my learning in HDR Technique in photography, and I write quite a lot of the learning process in my HDR posts. You can read from the Pages regarding HDR or from posts on HDR category/tag search.  Another one learned this year is the Lightpainting technique, but frankly it is difficult to do outdoors around the city where I lived, so not much is posted and discussed. Other techniques such as slow exposure, long exposure, macro/close-up, photography, is already common so normally it is not much discussed even though quite regularly posted.

On post processing, all these years I only use Lightroom for post processing my photos. But the need for advancement required me to learn other post processing skills, such as with Photoshop. And fortunately this is much helped by the availability of single aplication subscription at Adobe Cloud, which made Photoshop CC affordable; and even cheaper for the Photography bundle which have Lightroom 5 + Photoshop CC with very low monthly subscription. Click for the tag Photoshop CC.

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One more important thing regarding this blog is as of 19 November 2013, I decided it is time to use the domain upgrade option from WordPress, so the blog is official and not anymore. Another yearly payment to make, but with wordpress everything is smooth and easy and not as difficult as self hosting option.

So this is 2013 on a blog focusing on photography words that goes with it ….

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Thank you so much to all who follows this blog, and to all reader, commentator, and those who liked my posts … This year has been great, and I am sure we will have a better year in 2014 ….


Fujifilm E-X2 - Iksa Menajang

Got an invitation from one of my camera shop to try out the Fujifilm X-E2, a camera that launches with a lot of good reviews everywhere. This is really a good opportunity as I am still looking for a walk around, light weight camera with good results that could be turned into a work horse as well. A lot of photographers already made the jump, eventhough most of them have to maintain several systems by doing so. Well for me I still have to do a lot of thinking, as it has been in my mind quite a long time then no problem to wait for some more time…

Fujifil E-X2 - Iksa Menajang

The results are really tempting, all photos posted here taken in JPG with the 23mm/1.4 lens, which is around 35mm in a full frame camera. Photos also shot at wide open,using aperture f/1.4 and high ISO of 6400, intentionally for testing the results … Fortunately I took some photos in JPG, as the raw converter in my Lightroom 5 has not been able to identify the RAW files yet. The process in Lightroom was minimal, and noise reduction was applied moderately. Sorry for the beautiful models, the skin is not retouched at all, so everything is shown .. pimples, freckles and others …so the readers can imagine how powerful this camera is.

For me the results at ISO 6400 are still acceptable to use, so I should have no problem for the quality of the image in lower ISO and for sure the camera’s base ISO. Also they have great bokeh, but this is mostly contributed by the lens used, then I am confident also that they have good lenses as well as good cameras. Now, this is really a big temptation ……

Fujifilm E-X2 - Iksa Menajang

Fujifilm E-X2 - Iksa Menajang

Fujifilm E-X2 - Iksa Menajang

Fujifilm E-X2 - Iksa Menajang

Fotografi, Portrait

Testing The Fujifilm X-E2 … A Small But Powerful Camera

Mencoba kamera Fujifilm X-E2 yang sudah mendapatkan pujian di banyak review. Test menggunakan lensa 23mm/1.4 yang setara 35mm pada kamera fullframe. Semua foto menggunakan ISO 6400, dan bukaan rana f/1.4. Hasil yang diperoleh pada ISO tinggi ini baik untuk keperluan saya, jadi pada ISO lebih rendah lagi – yang normal digunakan sehari-hari pasti tidak ada masalah. Semua hasil ini difoto menggunakan file JPG, dan diolah minimal pada Lightroom 5 dengan sedikit noise reduction.


2010 in review

The stats helper monkeys at mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health:

Healthy blog!

The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads This blog is doing awesome!.

Crunchy numbers

Featured image

The Leaning Tower of Pisa has 296 steps to reach the top. This blog was viewed about 1,000 times in 2010. If those were steps, it would have climbed the Leaning Tower of Pisa 3 times

In 2010, there were 55 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 56 posts. There were 69 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 27mb. That’s about 1 pictures per week.

The busiest day of the year was May 29th with 106 views. The most popular post that day was Tricolor ….. strawberry in a cup.

Where did they come from?

The top referring sites in 2010 were,,,, and

Some visitors came searching, mostly for bolu kering, kue bolu kering, kue bolu, istana bogor, and kue mangkok.

Attractions in 2010

These are the posts and pages that got the most views in 2010.


Tricolor ….. strawberry in a cup April 2010


Air Asia Indonesia: Airbus @ KL-LCCT August 2010
1 Like on,


Nasi Bebek Alternatif May 2010


Lampu Baru di Dinding Lama, Kota Tua September 2010
1 comment


Pohon Istana Bogor August 2010
